Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came

I’m in a show! Six Elements Presents: Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came

Childe Roland

Source: Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came

Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
Written by Steve Schroer
Directed by Philip D. Henry
Featuring: Susan Dempsey, Lindy Jackson, Matt Kelly, Jessica Passaro, Aaron Ruder, Boo Segersin, Mickaylee Shaughnessy, Henry Southwick, Bernadette Sponberg-Paraday, Cody Stewart, Mason Tyer, and Laura Wiebers

Accompanied by an implacable Seer, Childe Roland (so called because he is not yet a knight) enters the mystical, blighted land of the Elf King to save his sister, lost to that realm by ancient and impossible rules. Along the way, he crosses paths with the residents of that place, and each encounter pulls him closer to his dark destiny and the fateful climax against the wicked elf king.

Written by Steve Schroer of Hardcover Theater and based on the same material as Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, “Childe Rowlande to the Dark Tower Came” is an exploration of the classic poem by Robert Browning illustrating one man’s struggle with true morality.

Artwork by Whittney A. Streeter

Performances will be held at the Historic Mounds Theater, 1029 Hudson Road
St. Paul, MN 55106
Mounds Theater Phone (651) 772-2253

Get Tickets

Friday, March 10th, 7:30pm
Saturday, March 11th, 7:30pm
Monday, March 13th, 7:30pm (pay-what-you-can performance)
Friday, March 17th, 7:30pm (post show discussion)
Saturday, March 18th 7:30pm
Sunday, March 19th, 2:30pm (matinee performance)
Friday, March 24th, 7:30pm
Saturday, March 25th, 7:30pm

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