Source/ Reposted From: https://www.edenprairieplayers.com/2019womensoneacts.htm
Conscious of theater’s influence in the community, Eden Prairie Players established our Women’s One Acts festival last year in order to increase opportunities for women-identified theatrical artists. For the production’s second year, we selected plays written by women across the country and hired female directors from the local theater community to helm them. But we think the universal themes explored in these plays will appeal to women and men alike. This year, the Women’s One Acts festival proceeds with six incredible comedies and dramas. Come prepared for laughs and tears as we celebrate women in theater!
Our 2019 Selections
Between Dollywood and Disney
by Robin Rice
directed by Taryn Verley
A couple has been married for many, many years. She has been trying to help him with his loss of memory of recent events, but on this day he discovers that she too has developed memory trouble. For a long time she has been hiding the fact that can’t remember long ago events. Now it’s his turn to help her. Together join forces to face the world.
STAN: Mike Reardon
SUSIE: Kisten Thompson
Exceeding The Purchasable Calories
by Rhea MacCallum
directed by Kayla Hambek
In a quest for comfort food one woman discovers the importance of reading the fine print.
WOMAN: Jen Cordes
MANAGER: Wendy Hathaway
CLERK: Christy Jones
Back Cover
by Emily Hageman
directed by Lori Alsdurf
The unexpected divorce of Madison’s parents relocated her to New York City—a place that she has vowed to loathe. Through incredible coincidence, Madison finds a shoebox full of letters belonging to a young woman named Jessica. A connection is formed that will forever change the course of Madison’s life. Narrated by Madison’s older self, Back Cover is a story of loss, courage, humanity, and the painful–but wonderful–experience of growing up.
MADISON NOW: Amanda Johnson
MADISON THEN: Reese Johnson
JESSICA: Samantha King
MOM: Tedra Bonner
DAD: Steven Ramirez
FATHER: David Durkee
MR. LEE: Mike Reardon
MATT: Sergio Aguado Drake
KATIE/ALYSSA: Kylie Borchardt
KATIE/ALYSSA: Caitlin Warshaw
Creating: The Enticing Esmeralda
by Tabitha Kerr
directed by Tabitha Kerr and Kelly Rohde
The perfect meeting, the perfect phrase when she opens the door, the perfect moment. Romantic perfection doesn’t just happen; it takes work, and a few drafts.
BEA: Shelley Wolf
ESMERALDA: Morgan Gray
JULIAN: Steven Ramirez
Who She Could Have Been
by Allie Costa
directed by Elizabeth Michaelson
A couple struggles to rebuild and reconnect after losing their child.
RHYS: Chris Maresca
SIMI: Jenny Robinson
The Morning Menage
by Tracey Jane
directed by Jessica Passaro
After a rude awakening by her morning alarm, a woman is torn between two attractive lovers: her bed and coffee.
DAWN: Sher Unruh-Friesen
ALARM CLOCK: Ankita Ashrit
BED: Andrew Scipioni
COFFEE: Tim Williams
May 10, 7:30 pm
May 11, 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm
May 17, 18, 7:30 pm
May 19, 2:00 pm
Riley-Jacques Barn (Map)
9100 Riley Lake Road
Eden Prairie